Pink flowers with a blue sky background

Financial Strategies for Women: Navigating Transitions

This month, AegleWealth supports The Women’s Fund of Greater Chattanooga at their annual Voices event as well as a women’s Leadership Elevation Summit hosted in Dalton, Georgia by The Pink Robe Society. This prompted me to focus this month’s blog on challenges and financial considerations faced by many of us, but especially by women.  Women often feel there is never […]

woman walking into a rock maze on a cliff beside the ocean

Eight Signs of Financial Health

Financial health can look very different across the broad spectrum of human experience. Whether you are single, in a partnership, fresh out of college or in retirement, living in a major city, or enjoying a less-urban lifestyle, you can achieve financial well-being that fits and aligns with your goals. Despite the wide variety of expressions […]


Let’s Talk About a Good Economy

The overall economy remains in a relatively good position, though some cracks may be starting to appear. If we talk about economic growth, the most recent GDP numbers showed a year over year increase of 2.9%, which is above trend growth of 2%.


Q2 2024 Market Commentary

The overall economy remains in a relatively good position, though some cracks may be starting to appear. If we talk about economic growth, the most recent GDP numbers showed a year over year increase of 2.9%, which is above trend growth of 2%.

Old weathered wood and rope bridge

About Risk

Have you taken a risk that paid off a little or a lot? Did you take a risk that resulted in a loss? Haven’t we all experienced the inevitable negative surprises that life randomly throws at us due to no fault of our own? Mid-career, after completing my M.B.A., I received unexpected news that my […]


All Eyes On Interest Rates

For at least the last year we have spoken about the three P’s of Federal Reserve interest rate policy: pace, pause, and pivot. The Fed continues to pause, trying to strike a balance between a resilient economy and sticky inflation, not signaling any rate reductions until they are comfortable that inflation has met their targeted 2% level.

Photo of mountains turned upside down

Embrace the Power of “That’s Interesting”

Over the years, I’ve noticed a good friend and client use a phrase that has always impressed me, and I want to share it with you. That’s interesting. I’ve heard her say it with various expressions and voice inflections. The phrase might mean something different each time, depending on the situation and to whom she […]


Q1 2024 Market Commentary

For at least the last year we have spoken about the three P’s of Federal Reserve interest rate policy: pace, pause, and pivot. The Fed continues to pause, trying to strike a balance between a resilient economy and sticky inflation, not signaling any rate reductions until they are comfortable that inflation has met their targeted 2% level.

Mirror laying in the grass reflecting the sky

Wealth, Well-being and Cognitive Bias

At one point in my financial career, I was told by a group of men who I believed to be veteran leaders that they had assembled and decided to demote me for doing too much and to enhance my value and credibility. This experience launched my interest in the topic of cognitive bias, especially within […]

Street signs in a sunset

Wealth, Well-being and Fresh Starts

After a year of discussion, resistance, and trepidation, my 81-year-old parents decided to take the leap and relocate closer to me. They were happy with their home in Georgia and loved their community. They had everything settled and in place, and had given a lot away, proactively down-sizing in the last decade. Can’t we all relate […]


Closing a Strong Year

2023 by the numbers  Forecasters don’t have a working crystal ball  At the end of each year, it is common for economists and market strategists to make their predictions for the upcoming year.  While we are confident that the people making these predictions are indeed intelligent people with good intentions, it doesn’t change the fact […]


Q4 2023 Market Commentary

2023 by the numbers  Forecasters don’t have a working crystal ball  At the end of each year, it is common for economists and market strategists to make their predictions for the upcoming year.  While we are confident that the people making these predictions are indeed intelligent people with good intentions, it doesn’t change the fact […]

Christmas lights bokeh

Wealth, Well-being and Enough

December is my month to remain mindful of “enough,” and it’s not easy. For me, “enough” can mean acceptance, letting go, adapting, and being present. For high achievers (and I work with many), this is challenging, especially at a time of year when the to-dos on our lists grow exponentially. I want to share some […]

Light shining through fall leaves on a tree

Wealth, Well-being and Gratitude

I’m a positive, optimistic person. It showed up in the results of an executive assessment I took a few years ago. The feedback from this assessment was not to let my natural optimism color my view in a way that could mask (and prevent me from addressing) real problems.


Q3 2023 Market Commentary

Fitch Ratings downgraded US government credit rating  On August 1, 2023, Fitch Ratings downgraded the US government’s credit rating to AA+ from AAA citing a “steady deterioration in standard of governance” over the past 20 years, highlighting this was more of an erosion vs. anything that suddenly caused this change.  For reference, Fitch Ratings is […]


Keeping a Balanced Approach

Fitch Ratings downgraded US government credit rating  On August 1, 2023, Fitch Ratings downgraded the US government’s credit rating to AA+ from AAA citing a “steady deterioration in standard of governance” over the past 20 years, highlighting this was more of an erosion vs. anything that suddenly caused this change.  For reference, Fitch Ratings is […]

Inverted view of the horizon through a glass ball

Why Maslow Matters

There’s an ocean to explore and learn about in finance. Even as a veteran with decades of experience, it’s interesting to consider new investments and trends while discerning the “truths” that remain the same. You can navigate finance like you’re on a life raft, taking what the ocean and weather deliver to you that day. […]

Couple walking on the beach at sunset

Wealth, Well-being and Financial Freedom

The term “financial freedom” has been floating around for quite some time. I like the concept and recognize it means different things to different people. Suppose the term evokes an empowering and inspiring feeling in you. In that case, it’s the correct term to use in exploring financial strategies. If the term evokes stress or […]

Woman sitting contemplatively on a bench

Wealth, Well-being and Anxiety

A new client, who is bold in much of what she does, mentioned to me that she was excited and anxious to make her financial transition. As a practitioner with many decades of experience, the anxious stood out to me as a reminder that clients are on a journey, and their experience with money and feelings about money will […]


Q2 2023 Market Commentary

In Memory of Harry Markowitz We pay our respects to individuals who’ve had an enormous impact on how we invest, and Harry Markowitz was one of those people…